Monday, August 29, 2011

The Finished 3D Cube, well - sort of a cube.

Taaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

I added a heart shaped chain kinda thing on the side of the bag to represent the Expressive side of me as I wear my heart on my sleeves.

I also included a packet of tissues to represent the Particular person in me. Oh my OCD. xD

The nail polish and insoles in beige represent the Simple side of me, as the beige gives the feeling of simplicity =) I walk my life and take things in my hands with simplicity =)

The Music is represented in a music note and pasted on the nail polish. The reason behind it as I enjoy pampering myself in which I listen to songs that I like while I am painting my nails, or doing things I enjoy.

Thank you for reading. =)

The Bag

Another love of mine, bags. Oh my *faints* The beauty x)

I love bags. For they can store things like your necessities - keys, phones, wallet. Hence, they are a great help if you have a lot of things to carry. It holds things which you may need for different purposes and even emergency. But bags varies in shapes and sizes. Which to have?

Therefore, I like this to represent the Practical side of me. The bag = me, things I carry = my skills, knowledge and values. For a bag of certain size can only contain so much. In other words, I can only do things within my own ability and I know how much of a load that I can take.

The part where I say, I'd love to extend my ability and get better in doing things. Hence, I need to learn how to "utilize" the space that I have and use them efficiently and to the maximum. There is always room for improvement, right? =)

The bag making process

Thank you for reading =)

The Shoe

I love shoes. Like, I loooooooooove shoes, it's not even funny how much I love them. Aside from the fact that I am short and I need a little boost of height, I think that shoes especially heels are just so beautiful and great to have -for a girl, of course.

If you ask why only one side and why only the right side? - It is because to represent I am a right handed person and I would like to "walk" my life to the right path. Get it get it? =) And why only one side? Because I have no extra room for another? =X

The shoe-making process.

I incorporate my adoration for Colours and spread it all over the shoe. However, these colours also represent things on their own to me personally.

Red - Love and excitement
Purple - Enlightenment
Green - Sense of renewal, self-control and soothing
Yellow - Happiness and sunshine
Blue - Cool and calm.

I like to think that it represents the Adaptive side of me - as nothing has to be aligned. I can deal with the craziness. And I find beauty in imperfections. Simply, perfect x)

I use newspapers and colour papers I already own as I wish to Recycle, Reduce and Reuse =)

Thank you for reading =)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Me, in a map. Me-map :)

Things I want to incorporate into my 3D cube assignment and also in my mind map, or me-map. =)

ONE! - Things I justttttttttttt. L.O.V.E <3

Shoes, bags and nailpolishes – It's an obsession. And it is turning into a problem. Reason why? - They just make me so happy. x) Therefore, it’s not a problem to me. =X

TWO! - Me, being me. The person that I am.

Expressive – I wear my heart on my sleeves. Some say it's a good thing, some say otherwise. But, I prefer to express my thoughts out, the good and the bad because I rather discuss things with people than with my own mind. And I know that to bottle up my feelings will not help the situations either.

Practical – I may be the only person who dislikes having dreams when I sleep at night. Simply because I cherish and enjoy my beauty sleep, to get my rest that I needed for the next day. I may not have big and ambitious

dreams, but I prefer to live in the real world, seeing things and doing things within my ability. But I’d love to extend my ability, in a practical manner of course. x) I want to be a person who wakes up and make dreams come true rather than just continue dreaming.

Adaptive – I believe I am pretty easy going and good at adapting myself to different situations if I need to. For the most part, I can deal with changes. I believe I would not say the same i if you throw me into a foreign country but what I’m trying to say is that I am alright with whatever life brings. I may not like or love them all, but I would find ways I could make myself comfortable with changes. Things are not perfect, I am not perfect – but I find beauty in imperfections.

Particular – I have my OCDs. For instance, tables where I eat on should not be wet, my painted nails should not have chippings on them, and fingernails have to be short. And if things are not done the way I wanted them to be, I really would rather just do it all over. But my most obvious OCDs known to people around me would be me wiping tables dry with tissues.

Simple – I enjoy simplicity in life and I find happiness in littlest things in my everyday life. I try to, at least. I also enjoy looking into details apart from the bigger picture, because to me the littlest things are just as important too.

THREE! - My preferences & interests. Just because. =)

Music – I enjoy listening to music. My preference or taste in music is rather scattered. I listen to mainstream music, indie music, jazz music and also in various languages – English, Chinese, Malay, Indian, Spanish, Japanese and Korean. I just enjoy good music, whatever that sounds good to my ears is fine with me. =)

Colours – I love colours. Because it can brightens up my day if I ever feel dull. I think colours can represents so many things, even me. =)

Recycle, Reduce, Reuse – I do my part at the very least in my day to day life to help out the environment. I generally loooooveee arts and crafts, which requires a lot of papers. Therefore, as much as I love my papers, I would try to get more use out of them and not to waste.

Thank you for reading =)


I can't picture 20x20x20 in my mind.


I made 20x20x20.

Out of newspapers.

Just to keep me in check =)

Until next time :)